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时间: 2023-08-27



1、Smile and embrace nature. Jump, and the beautiful dance steps willshine with stars. Make a scene and get rid of all your troubles. My attention iswonderful. Your holiday is the most important. Happy March 8th Women's Day!

2、I hope all the handsome guys in the world are sweating for you. Richpeople all over the world line up to send you flowers. Men all over the universewant to talk with you. Your charm is really great. I wish you a happy Women'sDay when you receive text messages.

3、It takes five minutes to wait for a subway train, three hours to watch amovie, one month for a full moon, one year for spring to come, and a lifetime tomiss someone, but a blessing only takes one second. Happy Women's Day.


5、May you be lazy at home and go out to the restaurant on the day ofWomen's Day; Can't go to work, the mall just turns around; Slim and look better;The mood is very Jennifer, and the lover is very romantic. Wish you a happyholiday!

6、When the festival arrives, say hello, and women's status is gettinghigher and higher. Invite friends and sisters to spend money together. Yesterdaywas bitter, yesterday was tired, and all of them were thrown back. Men are good,men are bad, talk, laugh and laugh. Happy Women's Day!

7、世界因你而美丽,我可不能没有你!节日快乐! 19. 三八妇女节日快乐,美丽健康幸福愉快。

8、Hello! Hard-working and kind-hearted women, today is March 8 Women'sDay, which is your big holiday! At this moment, I want to give you thousands ofinstructions and greetings, which is the most valuable "poor"!



11、Beautiful women are magazines and books, which are pleasing to the eye;A wise woman is a self-motivation book, which urges people to make progress; Akind woman is famous, let people read. On March 8th, I read a lot of books, andwish all the good women in the world eternal youth!

12、Valentine's Day didn't bless you, I was afraid you would misunderstand;April Fool's Day didn't bless you, fearing that you would collapse; Women's Daydidn't bless you, for fear that you would be ashamed; Mother's Day didn't blessyou, for fear that you might cry. But today I must bless you: Father's Day, mayyou be intoxicated!

13、send you a flower, bring you home happily, send you a tree, be safe andhappy, send you a glass of water, keep healthy forever, send you a word, HappyWomen's Day, wish you a sweet life and smile every day.

14、Give you a little color and you'll start to shine. Give you a rose andyou'll get dizzy. Give you a little grease and you'll get fat. Give you agreeting and you'll be elated. Give you a blessing and you won't know what todo. Happy holidays to your women!

15、Female friends, it's time for our festival. We should put down our workto find happiness, put down our housework toget comfortable, put down ourchildren so as not to get tired, put down our stress and have a healthy heart.On March 8 Women's Day, take a good vacation and have a rest.



18、Send you a bouquet of roses, and rely on it to express your feelings.Give you a big peach blossom, and luck depends on it. Send you a bouquet ofwhite flowers for a hundred years and count on it. Send you a bowl of tofu, andlaugh after eating. Happy March 8th!
